Photo credit: Wikipedia, Jon Viscott, David Viscott Love Quotes and Sayings
David Viscott Love Quotes and Sayings
#1-4 How to Live With Another Person
1. To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.
2. Loving a person is to love the best in him and to make it easier for that person to become himself.
3. It you don’t respect yourself it is not possible for you to respect another person’s love for you.
4. To be happy means to become the person you want to be, to share your world with someone who loves you and to find your best work pleasing.
#5 The Language of Feelings [S]
5. The highest love a person can have for you is to wish for you to evolve into the best person you can be.
Excerpt from Wikipedia: David Viscott (May 24, 1938 – October 10, 1996), was an American psychiatrist, author, businessman, and media personality. He was a graduate of Dartmouth (1959), Tufts Medical School and taught at University Hospital in Boston. He started a private practice in psychiatry in 1968 and later moved to Los Angeles in 1979 where he was a professor of psychiatry at UCLA. He founded and managed the Viscott Center for Natural Therapy in Beverly Hills, Newport Beach and Pasadena, California.
Sayings by David Viscott
#1-3 The Language of Feelings
1. Your ultimate goal in life is to become your best self. [S]
2. No one can create your life for you. No one is supposed to. Others may point the way, help define your goals, but the work, the burden, the responsibility—and therefore the joy—are yours alone. [S]
3. Life is going to be wasted trying to be something other than your highest—your truest—self. [S]
#4 How to Live With Another Person
4. You must believe in yourself, devote your life to making yourself the best possible person you can be.
#5 Finding Your Strength in Difficult Times [S]
5. The purpose of life is to discover your gift.
The work of life is to develop it.
The meaning of life is to give your gift away.
I know I have a purpose.
I believe in my gift.
I am here to give.
When I am in doubt, I give more.
#6 Finding Your Strength in Difficult Times [S]
6. When you respond to an unreasonable person by getting emotional, you give them victory.
How do you manage unreasonable people?
You dismiss them.
Like teasing.
Like shadows.
#7 Risking
7. If your life is ever going to get better, you’ll have to take risks. There is simply no way you can grow without taking chances.
#8 Feel Free
8. To fail is a natural consequence of trying. To succeed takes time and prolonged effort in the face of unfriendly odds. To think that it will be any other way, no matter what you do, is to invite yourself to be hurt and to limit your enthusiasm for trying again.
Unsourced David Viscott Quotes
1. If you could get up the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed.
2. In the end, the only people who fail are those who do not try.
3. The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible.
4. There is some place where your specialties can shine. Somewhere that difference can be expressed. It’s up to you to find it, and you can.
5. You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be.