Paul Ferrini Love Quotes and Sayings

Paul Ferrini Love Quotes and Sayings

Paul Ferrini Love Quotes and Sayings

Paul Ferrini Love Quotes and Sayings, Photo credit:

Paul Ferrini Love Quotes and Sayings

#1-5 The Twelve Steps of Forgiveness

1. The choice between love and fear is made every moment in our hearts and minds. That is where the peace process begins. Without peace within, peace in the world is an empty wish. Like love, peace is extended. It cannot be brought from the world to the heart. It must be brought from each heart to another, and thus to all mankind.

2. If I want your love, I must set you free. I must be willing to do without it. I must be willing to look for love within, not without.

3. And the only way I get my life jump-started is by accepting my life exactly as it is, by accepting myself and you exactly as we are. That is the place where my heart opens. That is the place where love begins.

4. I am the channel for love in the world. Only then is my call for love answered. For as I open to love, I extend it, and as I extend it, it returns to me.

5. One of the ways I begin to love myself is to begin to take responsibility for my life exactly as it is. Whatever I see on the outside is just a reflection of what is within.

#6-12 Love Without Conditions: Reflections of the Christ Mind

6. There is no human being who does not deserve your forgiveness. There is no human being who does not deserve your love.

7. You demonstrate love by giving it unconditionally to yourself. And, as you do, you attract others into your life who are able to love you without conditions.

8. Where I am now, you shall also be. And then you will know with absolute certainty that Love is who you are. It has neither been born in you nor has it died in you. It is inseparable from you. It is your only Identity.

9. Love is the only response that undoes fear. If you don’t believe this, try it. Love any person or situation that evokes fear in you and the fear will disappear. This is true, not so much because love is an antidote to fear, but because fear is “the absence of love.” It therefore cannot exist whenever love is present.

10. What is all inclusive, all accepting, all loving cannot be limited to form. Love does not choose its beloved or the moment of its expression. Love extends to all at all times. Love is without conditions; that it to say it is “without form.”

11. When you establish conditions on love, you experience the conditions, not the love. You encounter the form, not the content.

12. Beliefs separate. Loving thoughts unite.

#13 The Silence of the Heart

13. Holding back feelings is the beginning of separation. Sharing them is the ending of it.


Author of the worldwide bestseller Love Without Conditions, Paul Ferrini is the author of some 50 books on love, healing and forgiveness. His books have been translated into many languages and he is internationally known as a teacher of emotional healing, self-realization and unconditional love. His work has been endorsed by many of his contemporaries.

Sayings by Paul Ferrini

#1 The Miraculous Truth, 24 September 2019[S]

1. Happiness unfolds only in the present moment. If you are concerned about being happy tomorrow or even five minutes from now, you won’t be able to be happy now.

#2 Love Without Conditions: Reflections of the Christ Mind

2. If you find yourself condemning your brother, you can be sure that it is not him you condemn. It is some shamed part of yourself you have not acknowledged.

#3-4 The Silence of the Heart

3. The way you relate to your gift says a lot about whether you are happy or not. Happy people are expressing their gifts all their time, on whatever level and in whatever arena life offers them. Unhappy people are holding onto their gifts until life gives them the perfect venue.

4. You must speak the truth fearlessly, but with great gentleness and compassion.

#5 The Wounded Child’s Journey Into Love’s Embrace

5. Grace comes when we live a life based on trust instead of control.

#6-7 Miracle of Love

6. If we seek the approval of other men and women and are attached to the way they receive us, we will not tell the truth about ourselves even when it is called for.

7. One who is at peace naturally improves the world just by being.

#8 The Twelve Steps of Forgiveness

8. Home is here where we can be together without discomfort or unnecessary words.

Unsourced Paul Ferrini Quotes

1. We go all over the world looking for love. We look everywhere except within our own hearts and minds. When you realize that you are the Source of this ever-elusive love you are seeking, you have the most important piece of knowledge available to you.

2. Peace, healing and abundance do not come from the outside. They come from the inside, from consciousness itself. They come from the inner knowledge and experience of the Divine.

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