Helen Steiner Rice Love Quotes, Sayings and Poems
Helen Steiner Rice Love Quotes, Sayings and Poems
#1 Poem: A Mother’s Love
1. A mother’s love is something
that no one can explain—
It is made of deep devotion
and of sacrifice and pain.
It is endless and unselfish
and enduring, come what may,
For nothing can destroy it
or take that love away.
It is patient and forgiving
when all others are forsaking,
And it never fails or falters
even though the heart is breaking.
#2 Poem: What is a Mother?
2. It takes a mother’s love
to make a house a home—
A place to be remembered
no matter where we roam.
#3-4 Poem: Where there is Love
3. Where there is love the heart is light;
Where there is love the day is bright.
Where there is love there is a song
To help when things are going wrong.
4. Love changes darkness into light
And makes the heart take wingless flight.
#5 Deep in My Heart
5. You cannot go beyond my thoughts
or leave my love behind,
Because I keep you in my heart
and forever on my mind …
And though I may not tell you,
I think you know it’s true
That I find daily happiness in
the very thought of you.
Excerpt from Wikipedia: Helen Steiner Rice (1900 – 1981) was an American writer of religious and inspirational poetry. Helen Steiner was born in Lorain, Ohio on May 19, 1900. Her father, a railroad worker, died in the influenza epidemic of 1918. She began work for a public utility and progressed to the position of advertising manager, which was rare for a woman at that time. She also became the Ohio State Chairman of the Women’s Public Information Committee of the Electric Light Association, and campaigned for women’s rights and improved working conditions.
Sayings by Helen Steiner Rice
#1 Christmas Blessings, Random House, 31 July 2012
1. Peace
on earth
will come to stay
When we live
every day.
#2 Christmas Glitter, Christmas Blessings, Random House, 31 July 2012
2. With our eyes
we see the glitter
of Christmas,
With our ears
we hear the merriment,
With our hands
we touch the
tinsel-tied trinkets,
But only
with our hearts
can we feel
the miracle of it.
#3 Life
3. A little laughter,
a little song,
A little teardrop
When things go wrong,
A little calm
And a little strife,
A little loving —
And that is life.
#4-5 Poem: A Gift of Love
4. Time is not measured by the years that you live
But by the deeds that you do and the joy that you give…
5. And each day as it comes brings a chance to each one
To live to the fullest, leaving nothing undone
That would brighten the life or lighten the load
Of some weary traveler lost on life’s road …
So what does it matter how long we may live
If as long as we live we unselfishly give.
#6 Dark Shadows Fall in the Lives of Us All
6. Sickness and sorrow come to us all,
But through it we grow and learn to stand tall—
For trouble is part and parcel of life,
And no man can grow without struggle and strife.
Poems by Helen Steiner Rice
Tears of a Rose
Even that which is beautiful
Can sometimes bring pain,
So to love from the heart,
Is to invite the rain.
But to reach for the rose,
You must fear not the thorn,
So to love from the soul,
Is to embrace the storm.
Your Loved One lives In Your Heart
Many tender memories soften your grief,
May fond recollection bring you relief,
And may you find comfort and peace in the thought
Of the joy that knowing your loved one brought…
For time and space can never divide
Or keep your loved one from your side
When memory paints in colors true
The happy hours that belonged to you.
A Mother’s Love
A mother’s love is something
that no one can explain—
It is made of deep devotion
and of sacrifice and pain.
It is endless and unselfish
and enduring, come what may,
For nothing can destroy it
or take that love away.
It is patient and forgiving
when all others are forsaking,
And it never fails or falters
even though the heart is breaking . . .
It believes beyond believing
when the world around condemns,
And it glows with all the beauty
of the rarest, brightest gems . . .
It is far beyond defining,
it defies all explanation,
And it still remains a secret
like the mysteries of creation . . .
A many splendoured miracle
man cannot understand
And another wondrous evidence
of God’s tender guiding hand.
A mother’s love is like an island
In life’s ocean vast and wide,
A peaceful, quiet shelter
From the restless, rising tide.
A mother’s love is like a fortress
And we seek protection there
When the waves of tribulation
Seem to drown us in despair.
A mother’s love is a sanctuary
Where our soul can find sweet rest
From the struggle and the tension
Of life’s fast and futile quest.
A mother’s love is like a tower
Rising far above the crowd,
And her smile is like the sunshine
Breaking through a threatening cloud.
A mother’s love is like a beacon
Burning bright with Faith and Prayer
And through the changing scenes of life
We can find a haven there….
For a mother’s love is fashioned
After God’s enduring love,
It is endless and unfailing
Like the love of Him above.
For God knew in His great wisdom
That he couldn’t be everywhere,
So he put His little Children
In a loving mother’s care.
Climb ‘Til Your Dream Comes True
Often your tasks will be many,
And more than you think you can do.
Often the road will be rugged
And the hills insurmountable, too.
But always remember,
The hills ahead
Are never as steep as they seem,
And with Faith in your heart
Start upward
And climb ’til you reach your dream.
For nothing in life that is worthy
Is ever too hard to achieve
If you have the courage to try it,
And you have the faith to believe.
For faith is a force that is greater
Than knowledge or power or skill,
And many defeats turn to triumph
If you trust in God’s wisdom and will.
For faith is a mover of mountains,
There’s nothing that God cannot do,
So, start out today with faith in your heart,
And climb ’til your dream comes true!
The Magic Of Love
Love is like magic
And it always will be.
For love still remains
Life’s sweet mystery!!
Love works in ways
That are wondrous and strange
And there’s nothing in life
That love cannot change!!
Love can transform
The most commonplace
Into beauty and splendor
And sweetness and grace.
Love is unselfish,
Understanding and kind,
For it sees with its heart
And not with its mind!!
Love is the answer
That everyone seeks…
Love is the language,
That every heart speaks.
Love can’t be bought,
It is priceless and free,
Love, like pure magic,
Is life’s sweet mystery!
I Am the Light of the World
In this sick world of hatred
and violence and sin,
Where society renounces morals
and rejects discipline,
We stumble in darkness
groping vainly for light
To distinguish the difference
between wrong and right
But dawn cannot follow
this night of despair
Unless faith lights a candle
in all hearts everywhere
And, warmed by the glow,
our hate melts away
And love lights the path
to a peaceful new day.
This Too will Pass Away
If I can endure for this minute
Whatever is happening to me,
No matter how heavy my heart is
Or how dark the moment may be-
If I can remain calm and quiet
With all the world crashing about me,
Secure in the knowledge God loves me
When everyone else seems to doubt me-
If I can but keep on believing
What I know in my heart to be true,
That darkness will fade with the morning
And that this will pass away, too-
Then nothing in life can defeat me
For as long as this knowledge remains
I can suffer whatever is happening
For I know God will break all of the chains
That are binding me tight in the darkness
And trying to fill me with fear-
For there is no night without dawning
And I know that my morning is near.
Wings of Love
The priceless gift of life is love,
For with the help of God above
Love can change the human race
And make this world a better place …
For love dissolves all hate and fear
And makes our vision bright and clear
So we can see and rise above
Our pettiness on wings of love.
The Spirit of Giving
Each year at Christmas, the spirit of giving
Adds joy to the season and gladness to living.
And knowing this happens when Christmas is here,
Why can’t we continue throughout the year
To make our lives happy and abundant with living
By following each day the spirit of giving?
A Loving Wish for a Happy Day
A wish that’s sent with lots of love
Just seems to have a feeling—
A special word or sentiment
That makes it more appealing,
And that’s the kind of loving wish
That’s being sent your way
To hope that every day will be
Your happy kind of day.